Wednesday 30 January 2008

The Makings of a Great Equestrian Success Story

In the sporting pages of a new local paper, I recently read an article about a farming and equestrian family on the Herefordshire/Worcestershire borders.

My acquaintance with the family began with a chance encounter about 12 years ago. I happened to see a field gate leading onto a country lane had been left open (perhaps by a livery client), and was just closing this when a woman approached me. The land belonged to the woman's family, and she and her daughters, particularly the elderst, were keen horse and sportswomen : the younger daughter being a runner, who put this skill to the service of the local drag hunt.

Like many farmers in this part of the country, the family had diversified into equestrian business with a livery yard, and tourism with a holiday cottage. These were indeed busy and hardworking people, able to see projects through good times and more difficult ones : all qualities and skills which are essential in any venture, but perhaps especially where horses are are concerned. I was also struck that everyone had more than their fair share of common sense !

12 years on and the eldest daughter, now probably in her mid-20s, is described as "Worcestershire's rising equestrian star" in the sport of eventing. Like our other local horseman hero, Leslie Law - who took individual gold medal at the Athens Olympics and now lives in the US - she has made her way up from the Pony Club to compete successfully this year at the UK national and European levels, catching the attention of the GB Olympics team trainer en route.

Like Law, I also think the young woman in question has staying-power : success has come steadily. She and her mother also seemed to have a keen understanding of the right horse for the next stage of the journey upwards through competition : an essential skill. Similarly, these are people who have the knowledge and commitment to look after and manage horses properly, again essential when you are managing on a budget, as is the case here.

All this has indeed the makings of a great equestrian success story, and its all the more interesting to me, having begun with such a chance encounter all those years ago !